Benefits Lohmeyer
"smart wood working"
Smart Woodworker count on Lohmeyer-Machines – because it makes sense to use them – since we forward our advantages straight to you. The competitive price-value relationship speaks for its own.
Proven and reliable machines
Our machine technology has been proven worldwide. Even under extreme climatic conditions such as the freezing cold of Siberia or the humid air of the tropics and subtropics. Our own engineering company, established suppliers and service providers secure this top qualtiy. The world class manufacturer Nanxing certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001delivers more than 10.000 machines per year.
Short delivery times – Lohmeyer machinery
Streamlined distribution channels vs. overhead. Due to our decentralized structure and standardized best practice machines we deliver and install all over Europe straight from stock. Spare parts are available direct from stock with quick delivery. Long waiting times? Not at Wood IQ!
Support & Service direct from your partner in your country
We are located in Germany our partner is next to you. Decentralized technicians make sure you get the best service. Your local partner is well experienced and understands your needs.
Standardized product portfolio
To improve our products and components to the essence, we standardize. Instead of expensive custom-made versions or unreliable prototypes we count on proven best-practice machines. These machines are easy to use and reliable. Standardization improves spare part availability dramatically.
Short learning curves for your operator right after installation - is considered to be standard with Lohmeyer machines